What can your students learn from Rusty’s adventures?
Sometimes it’s easier to promote good behavior by using a figure from “outside” the classroom as opposed to trying to explain to children why their actions are not favorable. ‘The Adventures of Rusty the Greyhound’ are a collection of stories and activities based around everyday classroom events – storytime, the playground, sharing toys, etc – so that children find his lovable character relatable.
Rusty is here to teach your students some important lessons in being a good friend, communicator, and listener.
Our Categories:
- Behavior Games
- Behavior Lessons
- Behavior Stories
- Bundles
- Educational Activities
- Interactive Stories
- Reward Charts
- Spanish Behavior Stories
- Turn Taking Games
What can your students learn from Rusty’s adventures?
Rusty’s adventures are exactly like the adventures that your students go on every day, such as:
Learning how to play nicely | Learning how to share | Learning how to listen | Learning how to use inside voices |
The fact that young children are going through the same adventures and discoveries whilst at school means that they will be able to relate to Rusty and the lessons that he learns along the way.
Rusty learns very quickly, in every adventure, what it means to demonstrate good and kind behavior.
Mr. Tom’s stories about Rusty are a great way to help avoid conflict in the classroom, as well as a wonderful tool to use when children are already demonstrating undesirable behavior. In just a few short pages, Rusty goes from unfriendly behavior all the way to learning a lesson in how to be a better friend and student.
Our Categories:
- Behavior Games
- Behavior Lessons
- Behavior Stories
- Bundles
- Educational Activities
- Interactive Stories
- Reward Charts
- Spanish Behavior Stories
- Turn Taking Games
How will Rusty benefit the classroom?
The lessons that Rusty is here to teach will benefit every child. They’ll be braver, more understanding, and kinder to their friends, as well as learning from their new greyhound friend how to be a great student!
In short, Rusty is your new class helper.
Behavior Stories: Take your children on a journey through Rusty’s adventures by reading “The Adventures of Rusty The Greyhound”, written by his friend ‘Mr. Tom’. Each story has a set of questions to encourage children to really think about what they can learn and take something away from each adventure.
The idea is to get your children excited about Rusty’s adventures so that they want to learn from him!
Classroom activities
As well as stories, Rusty also has a lot of activities that the whole class can enjoy.
Mr. Tom and Rusty share some of their favorite activities to encourage good behavior in school. You’ll have step-by-step guidance in how to teach your students the value of things like cooperation, following directions, being a good sport, waiting, and using inside voices.
The games are presented as interactive PowerPoint presentations and Boom Cards to keep children engaged with the activity.
Where can I find Rusty’s adventures?
You can find all of Rusty’s adventures here.
To make sure he’s a great fit for your classroom, you can also find a free download here. In this free download, your students will learn all about Rusty’s first day of school – a great way to start the new year, introduce new students, or gently return to the classroom after a break.
Rusty is a real dog with a lot of love to give, and a wonderful role model for your students to learn from and adore.
After all, who doesn’t love a lovable dog?!